Coronavirus closes iconic free restaurant for homeless

by Team Bill 17 Mar 2020
It is with a heavy heart that Rev. Bill Crews announces Coronavirus has forced him to close his iconic Loaves & Fishes Free Restaurant for the homeless.

“The homeless are among the most vulnerable from infection by COVID-19, so we can’t have them congregating together in our Loaves & Fishes Free Restaurant”, said Rev. Crews, CEO and founder of the Rev. Bill Crews Foundation.

The restaurant has been serving meals to the homeless for 31 years. Indeed, over that time almost 9 million meals have been given to the needy. However, today it has been emptied of tables and chairs.

There will still be meals for the homeless

The homeless still need to eat. So the restaurant kitchen will produce takeaway meals for them. These will all be packaged up with a piece of fruit and a drink – ready to go.

"The restaurant staff will be on hand to distribute these to our homeless guests, and also to ensure they maintain social distancing”, said Rev. Crews.

These measures, while temporary in nature, are being taken today to try to reduce transmission of Coronavirus among the homeless population.

Importantly, Rev. Crews’ food vans will continue to distribute meals to the homeless and needy in the CBD and western Sydney.