Bill Crews International

Rev. Crews is helping communities alleviate the effects of natural and man-made disasters.

Global reach

Bill Crews has spent his life advocating and working to support vulnerable communities in Australia and across the globe. 

To name but a few of these global efforts, Bill has met with countless populations affected by displacement including those residing in Calais camp and other camp-like settings; he has worked to ensure access to specialist healthcare for war-affected children; and he has consistently used his voice and far-reaching network to ensure the most vulnerable people worldwide can be heard in the highest political fora.

About Bill Crews International

In January 2024, Bill Crews formally established his operations in the international humanitarian and development sphere with the foundation of Bill Crews International (BCI).

BCI focuses on supporting national non-governmental and community-based organisations in their endeavour to alleviate the complexities and ill-effects of natural and man-made disasters.

We recognise that at the heart of development and humanitarian relief lies local strength, local capacity and local resilience. This means we focus on localisation approaches and locally-led response using a partnership-based model to support NNGOs and CBOs.  

For more about Bill Crews International call: 61 2 8752 4600

Localisation in practice

In line with commitments like the Grand Bargain and global movements for the decolonisation of aid, BCI strives to build its work around locally driven problem solving to meet population needs.

We utilise and leverage BCF’s homegrown expertise in humanitarian relief and welfare support to underpin our global approach, making a tangible difference to grassroot efforts.

We offer:  

  • Consultation on project management and organisational development where requested; 
  • Technical capacity strengthening based on mutually agreed specialist areas; and
  • Grants for emergency response, sustainable development or long-term partnerships.  

BCI leans toward supporting projects in-line with our domestic work in Australia which ranges from food security, to enabling access to health and livelihoods, to working toward the protection of vulnerable people.  

BCI's Partners

BCI’s supported organisations are based in the heart of their communities and are run by local experts. In partnering with pioneering and ethically responsible organisations, we ensure desperate and life-saving needs are met by the right people, who are most in the know about the context and related complexities. Partnerships are fundamentally built on foundations of mutual accountability, transparency, flexibility and sustainability.

In 2024 so far, we have established work with 10 organisations in 9 countries and supported almost 10,000 people. Just some of this work has included:  

  • 2,300 emergency aid packages to people in Gaza, Lebanon and Papua New Guinea;
  • 72,000 meals provided in Myanmar;
  • 100 vulnerable child refugees provided with play & therapeutic support in France;
  • 3,100 refugees and vulnerable people have been provided with access to life-saving healthcare in Uganda and Venezuela; and
  • 1,600 people have been empowered through training and consequential access to livelihoods and agriculture in Sierra Leone, South Sudan and Uganda.

Supported organisations to date have included:

Learn more

Olwyn, our International Program Coordinator, would be delighted to provide further information on the approach of BCI and our work. She can be reached at